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This Is How Newspapers Commemorate The WTC Attack

Many of us remember exactly where we were when the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred. We remember the subsequent media coverage, whether on TV, radio, or in newspapers, and many of us saved those newspapers.

this is how newspapers commemorate the WTC attack

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One year later, the Library opened a two-month long exhibit, Witness and Response: September 11 Acquisitions at the Library of Congress, displaying a wide range of relevant materials collected during that first year, including drawings, photos, eye-witness accounts and personal reactions, books, magazines, poems, songs, audio and video recordings, films, maps, and newspapers. A special issue of the Library of Congress Information Bulletin focused on the exhibit and the 9/11 collections, and included this article by Gene Berry on our 9/11 Historic Events Newspaper Collection.

The Newseum, a museum in Washington, DC, that chronicled the history of media, archived more than 100 newspapers from September 12, 2001, the day after the attacks. The front pages of these newspapers, bearing headlines like "ACT OF WAR" and "AMERICA'S DARKEST DAY," underscore the impact the attacks had on the American psyche.

In some cases, the events people saw and experienced on 9/11 spurred them to make life-changing decisions or veer off their planned paths. On this 20th anniversary, we asked seven people who learned of the attacks from afar to share their memories of that fateful Tuesday morning and its impact on their lives.

DET 206 reservists deployed to Norfolk in December 2001 to document CINCLANTFLT and SECONDFLT operations leading up to September 11, the immediate response following the attacks; and operations in the days and weeks after the attacks. The oral histories in this collection offer overlapping and complementary perspectives.

At the time, there were no smartphones to initiate a video call with loved ones. The active cell phone service was down after the Twin Towers were hit in New York City, which made it difficult to hear from family and friends who may have been in the vicinity of the plane crashes. Similar occurrences happened in the series of related terrorist events in Virginia and Pennsylvania. Neither of us also knew how dramatically technology and the world would change following the terrorist attacks. Substantial alterations in news transmission, technology innovation, telecommunications networks, disaster preparedness, personal privacy, digital inequity, and security levels arose after the tragic events of this day. From a virtual standpoint, so many things have shifted over the last two decades that it is hard to imagine the world as it existed in 2001.

As the nation prepares to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the University of Houston is planning events to honor the victims of 9/11. On Friday, Sept. 10, the UH community and the public are invited to attend a series of events hosted by UH Veteran Services that will begin at 8 a.m. and continue throughout the day.

20 years ago, on Sept. 11, the single largest terrorist attack in U.S. history killed nearly 3,000 people and injured thousands at the World Trade Center. To this day, this horrible event has deeply and forever scarred the hearts of anyone old enough to remember the day.

Slotkin was recruited to and joined the CIA not long after the 9/11 attacks, and Rogers was in Congress at the time of the event and went on to be chair of the House of Intelligence Committee. David Dulio, director of CCE and professor of political science, pointed out this discussion will be interesting and worth joining to hear from these two experts who come from both sides of the political aisle.

Although it may feel like yesterday that the attacks on 9/11 happened for most people, for this generation of students, it is history. Therefore, teaching them about what happened on Sept. 11 and why this is important in our history is critical for them to understand how big of an impact it had on the country. Later on, it will depend on this generation of students to pass on the history and lessons of 9/11 to those even further removed from this event.

Terrorists usually attack nonmilitary targets and those who are unable to defend themselves. Often their victims are what might be called noncombatants in whatever ongoing struggle there is. One common aspect of terrorists is that they avoid direct contact and confrontation with those who are armed, especially the military. Tied to this, most terrorists plan their actions to have the greatest impact and to kill the most people.

Co-organized by Just Security and the Knight First Amendment Institute, this panel is a space for critical self-reflection on how the U.S. human rights community responded to the challenges that were presented in the days, months, and years after the attacks

On the afternoon of September 11, the Library began collecting U.S. and foreign newspapers that recorded the immediate horror of the day in journalists' words and through photographers' lenses. Because official distribution channels were affected not only on 9/11, but by closure of all U.S. air traffic for three days and for months afterward due to the anthrax attack disrupting mail delivery to the entire Capitol complex, Library staff obtained some of the newspapers in the current Library exhibit from family, friends and colleagues across the country and overseas. Some of these special editions received from an extended Library family may not have been otherwise available to the Library.

On this, the first anniversary commemorating September 11, the Library continues to collect newspapers chronicling the unfolding story of how our nation and the world responded to the tragedy of that day. The 9/11 newspaper issues are now part of the Library's Historic Events Newspaper Collection, which allows future generations to read contemporaneous accounts of the tragedy.

Other newspapers in the Library's current exhibition show the impact on every aspect of society in the months following 9/11. Newspapers printed pictures of flags, which were in short supply at the time, and encouraged readers to cut them out and display them. They also embellished their pages with other patriotic images, slogans and pleas. Advertisements used patriotic motifs and themes along with the products they intended to sell, and sometimes advertised nothing, showing instead a flag or making a public service plea for victim relief. The grief, as well as the resolve of an entire nation, was cataloged on many levels through the pages of newsprint published daily and weekly across the nation, as the hunt for the perpetrators continued and the world asked how this could happen.

Within days of the attacks, comic book artists working for major publishers turned their talents to commemorating the ordinary folks who became heroes by their extraordinary deeds of service and sacrifice. Both the comic book and historic news collections will give future scholars and researchers insight into what Americans were reading, thinking and doing during this time of national emergency, and how it compares to previous national tragedies or events.

Newspapers and comic books are usually published on paper that poses many problems for archival preservation. The Serial and Government Publications Division is working with the Preservation Directorate on two new treatment strategies for select original issues of newspapers and comic books with high archival value. A sample of comic books and 9/11 newspaper issues will be sent this fall for mass deacidification under an existing Library contract with Preservation Technologies L.P. A small sample of embrittled newspaper volumes and historic single issues has been programmed to be treated by the Zentrum für Bucherhaltung's innovative paper-splitting treatment technology, which gives a new, more stable core to very brittle papers through mechanical means. The contribution of these collections to the nation's cultural legacy more than compensates for the challenges of conserving them.

To commemorate the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, NASA on Sunday took to Twitter to share a photo one of its astronauts took of New York City from Space, after hijacked planes crashed into the city's iconic twin towers. The image, taken by Astronaut Frank Culbertson, showed huge plumes of smoke rising from Manhattan shortly after the two planes crashed into the buildings.

"On this 21st anniversary of that terrible day, we honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 terrorist attacks," the US space agency said in the social media post. "The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were a national tragedy that resulted in a staggering loss of life and a significant change in American culture. Each year, we pause and never forget," it separately wrote in a release.

"The American story itself changed that day. What we cannot change, never will, is the character of this nation" the attackers sought to wound," he said in a speech outside Pentagon. "The character of sacrifice and love, of generosity and grace, of strength and resilience," Mr Biden added.

Memorial stair climb: The Memorial Climb aims to raise $120,000 for FirefighterAid with this commemorative event from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Teams and individuals of firefighters, police officers, military personnel and civilians will join to climb nearly 100 flights of stairs at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, 1 Park Blvd., symbolically completing the climb of emergency personnel who were lost in the 9/11 attacks. To sign up, visit

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